Reports 2022

TransEspana - 1020 km from Urdos/France to Malaga/Spain in 18 days, Spain

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18. day at 05/11/2022 from Alfarnate to Malaga, (day: 51,7km / overall: 1080,5km)

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At the morning everyone met up again at 5:15 am for breakfast. As often before it was in a small bar, which was located just next to the gym. Today, we also had two start groups. The slower group only consists of two runners Brams and Jean-Michel. All the other runners had to start at the fast group.

Today's start was just next to the circle below the gym. We received some short instructions, but it should not get complicated today. We mainly ran on quiet small roads again. But they wiggle through the hills, so we need to be careful not to get in touch with some car mirror. Mihaela told us yesterday at the breakfast, that she was hit. Luckily nothing serious happened and she was lucky to got off a shock. Even today's stage was only 50km and it was the last day, still we need to manage more than 600 altitudes. Looking at the elevation profile it seems not to bad, but it was also pressed due to the long downhill to the ocean. The last 20km was only downhill. Only then you can see the ocean. After about 10km I started to speed up. In between my wife called me. WE had planed, with the other caravan drivers, to park at the fee-paying parking area of one of our hotels. But this was not possible and we where send unfriendly away. Wile my wife was lucky to find a public parking place near the finishing line, the rest had to walk a while. Just after I passed the town sign of Málaga Gérad caught me with his kick bike. He just stayed behind me to let me, as a runner, finish first. When we reached the beach I gave him a sign to catch up and finish together. Gilles already waited at the finishing line on the beach. But not just him waited, also my little ones. When we four (Gérard, the kids and me) had crossed the finishing line, I had to continue a bit more. As 20 years ago, when I won the Trans Gaule, the real end was in the ocean. After a short bath I had a finishing beer and we waited for the next runners. Just after me René and after Stéphane arrived. WE talked a bit and waited for some more runners, while my kids enjoyed the water.

After I went to change cloth and then my family and I looked for a restaurant to have lunch. There are plenty of them at the promenade and it was not a big surprise to meet some other supporters there. Not long after JB and Russell, an old friend from Trans Europe, joined. He was in Málaga for vacation and just came over. After having dinner we went to the hotel, freshen up and let the kids get some rest.

At 6:30pm the award ceremony started. When we arrived shortly before, already a lot of runners and supporters sitting in front of the bar and enjoying a beer. WE joined and waited till Gilles called us in. After the official part with the giving the awards for supporters and runners we had a small aperitif. Gilles had his last briefing. Since we are split to three hotels, the next days breakfast was also in stages. After the aperitif we went a few meters further to one of the restaurants on the promenade. There we had a huge dinner, mainly with sea fruits and fish. Already in the evening it was clear that most of the caravans already would have left before breakfast. So, after dinner it was the time for the big good bye, till next time – back on the road!


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