Reports 2022

TransEspana - 1020 km from Urdos/France to Malaga/Spain in 18 days, Spain

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02. day at 04/25/2022 from Jaca to Ayerbe, (day: 59,8km / overall: 105,1km)

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This morning was breakfast between 5:45 and 7am. It was located at the same restaurant as yesterdays dinner. There was bread, jam, coffee and orange juice for breakfast. AT 7am the first group started. The second group, with the 15 fastest runners, started at 8am. From today on there the start was split and the faster runners had to start one hour later. This helps to keep the field together and especially the last aid stations do not have to wait so long.

Also today the first six kilometers was only uphill. Then it was basically a downhill without the last 20 km, which had while to while some slight uphills. Also today the course was through the beautiful landscape of the Pyrenees and there extensions. Most of the time there where some small streams and canyons, but also some lakes where next to the course. From beginning on René, Rémi, Stéphane and I ran together. Only after the second aid station at km 30 it split up, since René just continued. Stéphane and I followed him and caught him a few times. In the end he was still a few seconds in front of us.

Today was the first time that we slept in a gym and not in an hotel or youth hostel. The gym was very big and even a TransEurope would have enough place. After we had arrived at the finishing line we had our mandatory finisher drink. WE where sitting a bit together and then went for shower. When we came back there was already some snack for lunch prepared (potatoes, fish, egg and baguette). This was enough to overcome the gab between arriving and dinner. It was quiet important, especially for runner without any personal support. Since not everyone have the luxus to have his wife with the caravan to prepare something.


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