Reports 2022

TransEspana - 1020 km from Urdos/France to Malaga/Spain in 18 days, Spain

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04. day at 04/27/2022 from Ejea De Los Caballeros to Fuendejalon, (day: 61,5km / overall: 220,6km)

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This morning we had breakfast in the Hotel. After we started just in front of the door. The first group was leaving at 6:30am, while we faster runners started at 7:30am.

As broadcast the weather was not as good. In the morning it stopped raining for a while, then it continued with slight rain for about 2 hours. About noon time it stopped, the sun broke through and it got warm, but at that time many of the runners already finished. Also today was not much to see. The biggest attraction was the storks which where living around Ayerbe. You could even say they swarm all over the place. Every construction which was usable had a stork nest. Also on the fields they searched for food in big groups. Today's course started and ended as yesterdays end – a gravel path. I liked it, but it was not every ones thing. It was some variety to the standard roads. Besides there was less traffic. As a disadvantage there was a lot of dust from passing vehicles at nice weather. Further, having a weather as today, the feats get quiet heavy from the mud. Rémi and I started together, after a while he slowed down and I stayed alone till the end. Well, not completely alone since I passed while to while people from the first group. Just before the finish I took an extra loop. Even the marking was perfect, I just did not see the turning. When I returned to the course René was almost there too.

At the finish line the second major welcomed us. And she did not come with empty hands. Each runner received a bottle of wine and there was additional fruits and water. Today's accommodation was again at the gym and the dinner was prepared there from the supporters. But before we had some snack and a warm shower at the local swimming pool.


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