Reports 2022

TransEspana - 1020 km from Urdos/France to Malaga/Spain in 18 days, Spain

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08. day at 05/01/2022 from Puente de Vadillos to Villa Nueva De Guadamejud, (day: 67,5km / overall: 496,2km)

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This morning we had a breakfast buffet, so there was plenty to eat to strengthen for the day. Even there should be only two start groups, Gilles had changed it shorthand and set up another one at 6:30 am. Maybe, because there first 15 km where only uphill. It was going up, but there was also a small downhill in between. And there was another change. The first aid station was not at kilometer 15, as usual, but at kilometer 17. So he told everyone to take enough to drink.

When we started in the morning it was still chilly. But since there was immediately an uphill to run it was getting warm. We enjoyed the view to the valleys covered by fog, finally left the region of mountains and got to more flat area. On the second half of the day there was another uphill, but not very steep. After kilometer 40 we basically only ran down. At that time the sun already was shining. Even you did not feel it so much, since there was a light breeze of wind, the sun was burning stronger and stronger. In the end the heat was kind of standing at the fields and everyone was happy to finish.

Also today Stéphane started fast at the first uphill, but slowed down quickly, too. So, I continued on my own. He arrived at the first aid station just when I was going to leave. Also René was not far behind him. This stay almost till the end. I saw both of them again and again at the aid stations, when I left. This morning Gilles announced some gravel paths and one dirt part on a field path. When I left it René was not far behind me. He left Stéphane behind himself and caught a bit up with me. The last few kilometers till the end seem to take forever. On the other hand we also had the most applause up till now. Already a few kilometers away some people waited on a hill to clap their hands. Also at the finish line it felt as half of the village was presented.

After I had a snack I went to the showers. The runners slept today in the youth hostel. Since they only had shared rooms, I decided to stay with the kids in the caravan. It would not be fair for the runners to let them sleep together with the kids in one room. As usual Rémi arrived shortly after Stéphane. Jean-Benoit, everyone just calls him JB, already announced at the beginning: “ It will be an exciting race with many good runners.” But it also had to be mentioned that after the first four runners it always took a while till the next finished. Also the women's placement was interesting. While the first woman Edit ran alone in the front the places behind her changed a lot. It already can be assumed that the race will be thrilling till the end.


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