Reports 2022

TransEspana - 1020 km from Urdos/France to Malaga/Spain in 18 days, Spain

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It is still one week to go till TransEspaña starts, but we already get on the way there. With a small detour via Belgium, where we want to do some IVV walks, we go step by step to Urdos/France. So we have one week to drive the 1700km. Which should be plenty of time to do something with the Kids and maybe do a stop at the Atlantic Ocean.

The crossing of Spain then starts next week from Urdos. From there we are going in 18 days 1070km to Malaga. For us as runners it means every day approximately 60km to run. In compare to Trans Europe of Trans America it is very less, because 14km more means about two hours more running and less recover. Even my wife Grace and me have done plenty of stage races before, she as a supporter at the orga and me as a runner, it would be something new this time. While I will still run, she and the kids will follow with the caravan. Depending on the course, she might do some stop in between at some aid stations. To do so , we bought already last year a caravan. Also this is something new! While I was always sleeping at the gyms with the other runner, I will have the luxury to sleep at the caravan. If it will be more quiet with the kids, we will see – smile! For now we will continue to Belgium. There will be an IVV walk in Stavelot tomorrow and on Sunday, so basically as a warm up for Spain.


On Friday morning we drove the last part from Capbreton to Urdos. It was only a 150km drive and therefore quiet relaxing. About noon time we arrived at Urdos. Without us there was nobody there yet. Gilles planed to arrive at 5pm. Just after us Xavier, the cook of the race, arrived. At the afternoon the first runners and more supporters arrived. Registration was only on Saturday. Unfortunately, it was quiet rainy and chilly. So there where not much possibilities to do something with the kids. At the evening, after the meeting of the supporters, we all ate together.


Also this morning it rained like hell. About noon time it got less. So, I picked up the rest of my papers. My wife and I already get the road book from Gilles yesterday. So, we had some time in the morning to study it. After 2pm we could check in at the Hotel. We freshen up and I prepared my things for the race.

At 5pm there was the opening ceremony at the mayors house. After some welcoming words, Gilles introduced all twelve supporters. After, each runner was shortly introduced. Seven of the 36 starters are women. Most of the runners are from France. After Germany placed with eight starters. In total there are ten nations presented, so very international. Gilles spoke in English, French and partly Spanish and therefore it was not always so easy for him to switch between the languages.

After about 1,5 hours we switched to the relaxing part of the opening ceremony. First we had an apperetive. From all the areas of the runners there where snacks and drinks offered. At 8pm we started to go to the Hotel for dinner. Well, started is a bit hyperpolized, because it was just crossing the road. The village was quiet small, because there are only 90 residents. We had again three stages for dinner. First a soup, then some meat with potatoes and vegetables and as dessert cream puff filled with ice cream and chocolate sauce. Till we finished and had some talk it was already 10pm. Not too late, since the start was only at 10am, but still no need to push it too hard.


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